
i feel great because of this beautiful weather. spring and fall in nyc are usually very short. this spring might be my last spring in nyc so that i feel i want to appreciate this more than i did in past years.

last week was jazzy week. on last friday (was it a week before? dont remember though) meg chin asked me to go jazz at blue note in west village. it was awesome. two of the band members are her friends and they played drums and trumpet. it was big band, i guess maybe 10 members in the band. heard that the pianist is pretty famous then he played at fuji rock in japan before. anyways, the show was full of youth and energy. great show.

and last night my dear friend yuko brought me to the village vanguard. the band name is called bill frisell sextet. a clarinet, drum, guitar, trumpet, violin and base. the man who plays guitar is the band leadr. i never imagined that i would cry listening to jazz. basically their music style was mix of irregular and regular beats. between the irregular meters, they play very romantic or up beat sounds. when the sound reaches to the most romantic phase, tear rolled down on my cheek. seriously, that was beautiful. was very touching. yoko, ran-san hontouni arigatou. it was the sweetest birthday gift ever!